Interviews / Poets Interview with Jayme Ringleb: “Most of my writing process isn’t with words on the page.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Caroline Cauchi Smailes: “The creative process results in a medium that best suits the narrative.”
Interviews / Novelists / Poets Interview with Giannina Braschi: “The habits, the habitation, the routines give me security.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Adam Braver: “I’ve written more than my share of terrible pages and stories.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Iris Yamashita: “Weekends and holidays are writing days as well.”
Interviews / Journalists Interview with Kathy Gilsinan: “I was drawn to stories of individuals trying to fight impossible odds.”
Interviews Interview with Angie Kang: “Sometimes when I’m struggling, I just don’t have much to say.”
Editors / Interviews Interview with Cheri Lucas Rowlands: “I encourage writers to push back when they feel strongly about something.”
Interviews Interview with Jennie Nash: “To claim your voice, you have to do the work of pinning your ideas to the page.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Jeff VanderMeer: “Reward your imagination by taking it seriously and not shutting it down.”
Editors / Interviews Interview with Kira Homsher: “I can’t get work done in ugly or bland environments.”
Interviews Interview with David Gardner: “I’m trying to spend as much time as possible with the subject.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with A.C. Wise: “Don’t be afraid to experiment and find out what works best for you.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Sarah Monette: “There are some things about writing that I don’t think can be taught.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Alison Moore: “I think it helps to see how things cross-pollinate.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Naeem Murr: “What you need as a writer, particularly of novels, is time.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Rachel Dodes: “If you have to write, you cannot do anything else.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Helen Wan: “It came down to trusting myself that I could finish a novel.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Alice Jolly: “It may not be possible to write a novel and have a tidy house.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Karen Lee Boren: “It’s just a privilege to get to do this work.”
Interviews / Journalists Interview with David A. Graham: “Striking the right balance is a work in progress.”
Interviews / Novelists Interview with Willy Vlautin: “In writing, you take a wrong turn and a year of work goes by.”
Interviews Interview with Kit Alloway: “Schedule writing time into your calendar, and keep that commitment.”
Interviews Interview with Kathleen J. Woods: “It is always possible to feel utterly consumed by craft.”
Interviews / Poets Interview with Johannes Göransson: “I always took my own path to and through poetry.”
Interviews / Journalists Interview with David Maraniss: “I try to stop writing when I know what comes next.”